#XBUT,15: Text displayed on the button to click to expand the subsection (when expanded user will see more information) SEE_MORE=Mehr #XBUT,15: Text displayed on the button to click to collapse the block (when collapsed user will see less information) SEE_LESS=Weniger #XACT: ARIA label for AnchorBar ANCHOR_BAR_LABEL=Seitennavigation #XACT: ARIA label for BreadCrumbs BREADCRUMB_TRAIL_LABEL=Navigationspfad #XBUT,11: Text displayed on the button to click to expand all subsections SHOW_ALL=Alles #XBUT,12: Text displayed on the button to click to collapse all subsections HIDE_ALL=Weniger #XBUT,9: Text displayed on the button to click to expand section SHOW=Expand. #XBUT,11: Text displayed on the button to click to collapse section HIDE=Komprim. #XBUT: Text displayed on the button that will allow editing the Header Content EDIT_HEADER=Kopfdaten bearbeiten #XTOL: Tooltip for the flag icon inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader, showing that the item is flagged TOOLTIP_OP_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Markiert #XTOL: Tooltip for the favorite icon inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader, showing that the item is favorite TOOLTIP_OP_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorit #XTOL: Tooltip for the select title arrow inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader OP_SELECT_ARROW_TOOLTIP=Verwandte Optionen #XTOL: Tooltip for the locked icon inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader, showing that the item is locked TOOLTIP_OP_LOCK_MARK_VALUE=Gesperrt #XTOL: Tooltip for the unsaved changes icon inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader, showing that the item have been changed by another user and there are unsaved changes TOOLTIP_OP_CHANGES_MARK_VALUE=Ungesicherte \u00C4nderungen #XTOL: Tooltip for the expand header content button inside sap.uxap.ObjectPageHeader TOOLTIP_OP_EXPAND_HEADER_BTN=Header-Content expandieren #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that shows the Side Content panel TOOLTIP_OP_SHOW_SIDE_CONTENT=Seitenbereich \u00F6ffnen #XMIT: Context Menu Entry or Dialog Title will be enhanced with this key user friendly control type name: Section SECTION_CONTROL_NAME=Section #XTIT: Context Menu Entry or Dialog Title will be enhanced with this key user friendly control type name: Sections SECTION_CONTROL_NAME_PLURAL=Sections